What is the change? The French government has delayed plans to relaunch a website that enables U.K. nationals to apply for French residence permits online. The site, which was initially launched as the U.K. prepared to leave the European Union last year, was expected to relaunch on July 1. That date has now been pushed back to Oct. 1.

  • Implementation time frame: Oct. 1.
  • Visas/permits affected: French residence permits for U.K. nationals.
  • Who is affected: U.K. nationals living in France or who will be arriving in France on or before Dec. 31, 2020.

Additional information: French officials launched the website last year in anticipation of the U.K.’s departure from the European Union. Shortly after the U.K. left the EU, officials took the site down for maintenance, saying they expected it would be back online July 1. Officials now say they will begin accepting applications on Oct. 1.

U.K. nationals who are in France, or who arrive on or before Dec. 31, have until June 30, 2021 to apply for French residence under the terms of the Brexit agreement. Those who arrive on or after Jan. 1, 2020 must apply for residence under the same terms as all other nationals of non-EU/EEA countries. Beginning July 1, 2021, U.K. nationals will be required to hold residence permits in order to reside in France, regardless of when they arrived.

Analysis & Comments: U.K. nationals who intend to remain in France are encouraged to apply for residence online once the site relaunches in October. French companies with U.K. national employees are encouraged to work with them to ensure they meet the applicable deadlines.

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