Spanish authorities have extended the country’s COVID-19 state of alarm until April 12, limiting business activity and travel within Spain. Authorities also continue to enforce strict international travel restrictions.

Key Points:

  • State of alarm. Business activities and travel are limited, including movement on public roads, with some exceptions, such as to get food or medical treatment or going to work in businesses considered essential. In-person immigration services in Spain are suspended because of the lockdown. Immigration officials are working from home to process online immigration services in order to try to avoid excessive delays. Work permit resolutions are being received.
  • International travel. Spain has halted most international travel as part of the European Union’s suspension of non-essential travel to the EU. For the 30-day period beginning March 22, non-EU/Schengen Area nationals will be denied entry unless they are (1) residents of another EU/Schengen Area member state traveling directly to that member state, (2) holders of long-term visas issued by an EU/Schengen Area member state who are traveling directly to that member state, (3) cross-border workers, (4) healthcare or eldercare professionals traveling for their work, (5) individuals who are transporting goods or who are part of flight crews, (6) consular office personnel, diplomatic mission members or military or international organization personnel who are traveling for their work, (7) individuals traveling on duly accredited imperative family reasons, or (8) individuals who have documentation of a need or an unforeseen circumstance or who should be let in for humanitarian purposes. EU/Schengen Area nationals will only be let into Spain if they meet one of the exceptions listed above, are registered residents of Spain or are going directly to their place of residence in another EU/Schengen Area country.
  • Land borders. Land border remain closed, with exceptions for Spanish residents, cross-border workers, individual with cases of force majeure or those transporting needed supplies. Spanish entry and exit points in Ceuta and Melilla are also temporarily closed.

Analysis & Comments: The response to COVID-19 continues to develop, and Deloitte will provide additional updates as information becomes available.

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