Singapore’s Multi-Ministry Taskforce announced new border measures to allow some individuals from high-risk countries to enter Singapore.

Key Points:

  • As of Aug. 10, fully vaccinated work-pass holders and their fully vaccinated dependents may travel to Singapore even if they have been in high-risk countries.
    • This change does not apply to travelers entering from Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
    • Travelers from Brunei, mainland China (except Jiangsu province), New Zealand and Taiwan may enter the country without pre-entry approval or proof of vaccination. Such individuals must take a PCR test upon arrival and quarantine until the results are received.
      • Travelers from Hong Kong, Jiangsu province, and Macao must carry out a 7-day quarantine but are not required to have pre-entry approval or proof of vaccination.
      • Travelers from Australia and Israel must have proof of vaccination; take a PCR test within 72 hours of departure and upon arrival; and carry out a 14-day quarantine and take additional COVID-19 tests at dedicated facilities.
  • Beginning Aug. 21, fully vaccinated travelers from Australia, Austria, Canada, Germany, Italy, Norway, South Korea, and Switzerland may apply to carry out the Stay-Home Notice (SHN) at home or another suitable location if:
    • They remained in one of the aforementioned countries for at least 21 days before entering Singapore.
    • There is no one else present in the location they choose to carry out the SHN, or all other household members are fully vaccinated with the same travel history and carrying out the same SHN.
  • Individuals are considered fully vaccinated if two weeks have passed since they received the last applicable dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccine.

Additional Information: Singapore citizens and permanent residents must submit their application three days prior to arrival via the SafeTravel website. Overseas-based Singaporeans and permanent residents can return to Singapore without entry approvals and are subject to prevailing travel health control measures that are determined by their 21-day travel history before entering Singapore. All travelers must present the SHN exemption approval when entering Singapore. Individuals over the age of 12 who are serving the SHN at home must wear an electronic monitoring device throughout the duration of the SHN.

BAL Analysis: The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and BAL will provide additional updates as information becomes available.

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice group. For additional information, please contact

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