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What is the Brexit news? The Belgian government has released draft legislation on how it would administer the status of U.K. citizens in Belgium in the event of a “no deal” Brexit.
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Background: The U.K. is set to leave the European Union on March 29, and although the U.K. and the EU have negotiated a draft withdrawal agreement, the U.K. Parliament has not approved it. In preparation for this scenario, EU member states are releasing plans on how they will address the end of EU free movement as applied to U.K. citizens.
Analysis & Comments: The government’s proposals provide some certainty to employers and U.K. citizens in Belgium. While some post-Brexit and post-transition procedures remain unclear, it is likely that U.K. citizen employees will be able to continue working and residing in Belgium based on their current status through at least 2020. According to the draft legislation, U.K. nationals who file residence permit applications in Belgium after March 29 will be considered third-country nationals; however, it is expected that additional post-transition procedures, which will likely be based on reciprocity with the U.K, will be introduced in the coming weeks.
Source: Deloitte LLP. Deloitte LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC303675 and its registered office at 1 New Street Square, London EC4A 3HQ, United Kingdom.
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