Malaysia’s government will implement its MYFutureJobs policy on Jan. 1, 2021.

Key Points:

  • The MYFutureJobs policy requires employers that wish to hire expatriates to comply with a number of measures in order to support the hiring of local workers first, such as advertising new job openings on the MYFutureJobs portal for a minimum of 30 days.
  • The job postings must include job titles, skills and competencies, academic qualifications, salaries and other relevant information.
  • Employers must also submit the PAPD form after posting their job openings, conduct interviews within 30 days of posting a job opening and submit the Hiring Outcome Report. (The report can be downloaded here).
  • More information about the MYFutureJobs policy can be found here.

Analysis & Comments: The MYFutureJobs policy is part of the Malaysian government’s efforts to give priority to local job seekers for new job openings over expatriates. Employers may wish to contact Deloitte to receive guidance on how to be in compliance with the new policy.

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