A new, four-week lockdown took effect on Oct. 30 due to surging COVID-19 infections in France.

Key Points:

  • As announced by French President Emmanuel Macron, France will be in lockdown until Dec. 1.
  • As part of the lockdown, people in France will only be allowed to leave their homes if they have one of three attestation forms for essential purposes: food shopping, commuting to work if it is not possible to work from home, medical care, a family emergency or an appointment with public services. Outdoor exercise will be allowed for one hour per day within 1km of the home. Schools will remain open with children six-year-old and older required to wear masks.
  • Appointments with the local authorities will remain available.
  • Travel restrictions remain the same. Travelers entering France under an exception to the entry ban (e.g., French nationals, third-country nationals holding a residence permit or those performing worked deemed essential) must print out an “International Certificate” and carry it with them when they travel.
  • France is currently requiring travelers from non-EU countries to test negative for COVID-19 before entering the country. Travelers from Bahrain, Panama, the United Arab Emirates and the United States must complete a test before traveling. Travelers from all other non-EU countries can be tested upon arrival if they do not obtain a test before departing for France.

Analysis & Comments: Employers should expect ongoing disruptions to employee mobility. The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and Deloitte will provide additional updates as information becomes available. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.

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