The Finland Immigration Service has published updated information on how British citizens can apply for residence under the Brexit withdrawal agreement. British citizens considered residents in Finland before Dec. 31, 2020, must apply for residency between Oct. 1 and Sept. 30, 2021, in order to stay in the country.

Key Points:

  • British citizens who are applying for residency for themselves or a child who is a British citizen and have already registered for right of residence but do not yet meet the requirements for a right of permanent residence must use this form.
  • British citizens who arrived in Finland for the first time between Oct. 1 and Dec. 31 and meet the requirements for right of residence, and want to continue to reside in Finland after the transitional period ends must also use this form.
  • British citizens who have legally resided in Finland for an uninterrupted period of five years but do not have a certificate of the right of permanent residence as an EU citizen can apply for a right of permanent residence under the withdrawal agreement. The applicants should use this form.
  • British citizens who have a certificate of EU citizen’s right of permanent residence issued before Jan. 1, 2021, can apply for changing the residence status into a right of permanent residence under the withdrawal agreement. The application is free of charge. The applicants should use this form.
  • British citizens who have registered for residency in Finland but are temporarily residing abroad can apply for right of residence while abroad. These individuals should submit an application at a Finnish embassy or consulate.
  • Individuals who arrive in Finland for the first time after the Brexit transitional period ends on Dec. 31 cannot apply for a right of residence under the withdrawal agreement. They must apply for a residence permit as other persons coming from non-EU countries.

Background: The U.K. left European Union in January, and the Brexit transition period ends on Dec. 31, 2020. The Finnish Immigration Service has published instructions for booking an appointment for submitting the Brexit application, available here.

Analysis & Comments: Employers should ensure that employees who are British citizens and want to remain in Finland are encouraged to work with Deloitte to ensure employees meet the deadline for applying for residence.

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