The Czech Republic recently relaxed travel restrictions for foreign travelers.

Key Points:

  • Foreign travelers coming from countries on the low-risk list are allowed to enter the Czech Republic. The list includes most EU/Schengen Area countries and six from outside of Europe: Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea and Thailand. (A link to the list can be found in the second section of the Ministry of the Interior Web page.) Third-country nationals from countries not on the low-risk list are prohibited from entering, except for the individuals listed below. Foreign nationals who are temporary or permanent residents of countries not on the low-risk list are also prohibited from entering, unless they hold a Czech Republic permit or visa.
  • The following individuals are allowed to enter the country:
    • Foreign nationals with a long-term residence permit or permanent residence permit for residence in countries with a low risk of COVID-19.
    • Holders of a valid long-term visa or a long-term, temporary or permanent residence permit card for residence in the Czech Republic.
    • Foreign nationals with a short-term visa issued by the Czech Republic after May 11.
    • Foreign nationals whose entry into the country is in the interest of the Czech Republic, with a reason for entry supported by adequate documentation.
    • International transport workers with a reason for entry supported by adequate documentation.
    • Diplomats and officials of international organizations registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Foreign travelers entering the Czech Republic are required to have a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR medical test certificate issued by a doctor or public health authority no more than four days before entry, combined with a laboratory confirmation. Foreign travelers entering the country without these documents are subject to 14-day quarantine.
  • EU nationals and non-EU nationals with EU long-term resident status may enter the Czech Republic without a negative PCR test and do not have to prove the purpose of travel if they are arriving from a low-risk country.
  • The Czech Republic has begun to open up embassies and consulates around the world. As of July 15, 16 of its diplomatic missions abroad had fully resumed operations, while 28 had partially resumed them. Check this website for up-to-date information.

Analysis & Comments: The relaxing of travel restrictions for foreign travelers coming from low-risk countries is good news for employers wishing to send employees to the Czech Republic. The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and Deloitte will provide additional updates as information becomes available. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.

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