The U.S. State Department announced today the launch of an Afghan family reunification landing page.

Key Points:

  • The Afghan family reunification landing page contains information on how Afghans in the U.S. can reunite with their family members still in Afghanistan, depending on their immigration status and how they entered the U.S.
  • The page describes the correct reunification process for U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, refugees, asylees and Afghan parolees, including those who have been granted Temporary Protected Status.
  • Afghan nationals can check this website, the U.S. Mission to Afghanistan website or the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website for information on how they can seek reunification.

Background: Since August 2021, the U.S. has supported the reunification and resettlement of Afghan families. Although the U.S. has reunified some families, others remain separated and continue to experience hardship and challenges while seeking reunification.

BAL Analysis: The State Department launched the Afghan family reunification page to help Afghan families that are still separated and seeking reunification. BAL will continue to follow developments specifically affecting Afghan nationals and will provide updates as information becomes available.

This alert has been provided by the BAL U.S. Practice Group. For additional information, please contact

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