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Coalition for the American Dream published a report this week detailing the projected economic and societal costs of ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.
Key Points:
Additional Information: The report’s demographic and economic estimates and business impacts are based in part on data collected in the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2022 American Community Survey, the March 2022-2023-2024 Current Population Surveys and data from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Coalition for the American Dream is an organization of more than 100 businesses, trade associations and other groups representing every major sector of the U.S. economy and more than half of American private sector workers. Its mission is to seek the passage of bipartisan legislation that gives Dreamers a permanent solution.
BAL Analysis: The report notes if DACA ended and work authorizations were denied renewal, 440,000 workers would be forced from the U.S. workforce over a two-year period, with the most acute impact on health, education and STEM occupations. The business community continues to show strong support for DACA and the crucial role Dreamers play in the U.S. economy. Given the uncertain environment, DACA recipients who qualify for a renewal are urged to apply for one as soon as they can. BAL will continue to follow the litigation challenging DACA and will provide updates as information becomes available.
This alert has been provided by the BAL U.S. Practice Group.
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