The State Department has advised Americans not to travel to Japan amid a rise of COVID-19 cases.

Key Points:

  • On May 24, the State Department raised its travel advisory for Japan to “Level 4: Do Not Travel,” citing “a very high level of COVID-19 in the country.”
  • Travelers still intending to travel to Japan must be permitted to enter the country and adhere to Japan’s current entry policies.
  • Emergency services remain available and some routine services have resumed with limited appointment availability at the U.S. Embassy and consulates in Japan.

Additional Information: The State Department’s advisory imposes no new travel restrictions but serves as a warning for those intending to travel. Level 4 travel warnings remain in place for dozens of countries including Brazil, India, Mexico, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates and most of Europe.

BAL Analysis: BAL continues to urge individuals to consult their BAL professional before planning international travel, as travel restrictions may change with little notice and could affect travelers’ ability to re-enter or return to the U.S. BAL continues to monitor COVID-19 travel and immigration restrictions and will provide additional information as it becomes available.

This alert has been provided by the BAL U.S. Practice group. For additional information, please contact

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