The United Kingdom and India recently signed a new migration partnership, which plans to introduce a new visa scheme for British and Indian young professionals.

Key Points:

  • The new Young Professionals scheme will permit professionals from Indian and the U.K. between the ages of 18 and 30 to live and work in each other’s countries for two years. This is the first such scheme agreed between the U.K. and India.
  • The scheme will be limited to 3,000 young professionals from each country.
  • Individuals will be able to apply for the U.K. Young Professionals Scheme visa or Indian equivalent if they:
    • Are a U.K. or Indian citizen between the ages of 18-30.
    • Hold a diploma or degree validating at least three years of higher education corresponding to the qualifications required by the employment on offer or have comparable professional experience.
    • Demonstrate they have sufficient financial resources to meet needs during the two-year period.

Additional Information: The Migration and Mobility Partnership aims to ease the ability of young British and Indian nationals to live and work in each other’s countries.

The implementation date for the Young Professionals scheme has yet to be announced, but it will be modelled on the existing Youth Mobility Scheme applicable to individuals aged 18-30 from countries including Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The full text of the Migration and Mobility Partnership is available here

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