What is the change? Foreign nationals are now able to apply for long-term D visas in-country.

What does the change mean? Eligible nationals on short-term visa-free stays will no longer need to submit long-term D visa applications to the Ukrainian embassy or consulate. Rather, they can apply for the long-term D visa during their stay in Ukraine.

  • Effective date: June 26.
  • Visas/permits affected: Type D visas.
  • Who is affected:Foreign nationals applying for a D visa.
  • Processing times: In accordance with visa rules, the processing time for long-term D visas is up to 10 business days for regular processing and up to five business days for expedited processing.
  • What to watch: The associated visa fee charge for D visa applications within Ukraine is higher than the consular visa fee, and is 2550 Ukrainian hryvnia (around $100) for regular processing and 5100 Ukrainian hryvnia (around $200) for expedited processing unless otherwise prescribed by international agreement.

Background: The changes to long-term D visa processing were introduced by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 6, 2019, No. 368 “On Amendments to the Regulations of Issuing Visas for Entry into Ukraine and Transit Through its Territory.” Foreign nationals, with the exception of nationals of some CIS countries, must obtain a D visa to apply for a temporary residence permit.

Analysis & Comments: The change is good news for foreign nationals entering Ukraine on a short-term visa free stay as they will be able to apply for a D visa, and thereafter their temporary residence permit, in-country. Employers should plan for the increased visa fee charge that is associated with in-country applications.

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