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What is the change? The Swiss government has set work-permit quotas for EU and non-EU nationals, including U.K. nationals in case of a no-deal Brexit.
What does the change mean? The 2020 quotas will remain the same as in 2019: Non-EU/EFTA nationals will be subject to quotas of 4,500 long-term B permits and 4,000 shorter-term L permits. Quotas on work permits for EU/EFTA nationals will also remain at 500 B permits and 3,000 L permits. In the case of a no-deal Brexit, U.K. citizens will be subject to quotas of 2,100 B permits and 1,400 L permits.
Analysis & Comments: After increasing the quotas in 2019 to address labor shortages and respond to business demands for greater access to skilled workers, the Federal Council has decided to retain the same quotas for 2020. Companies should plan their recruitment and talent strategies accordingly.
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