What does the change mean? Internal report requests (i.e., police records, social security status of company), which are required during the residence permit process, are taking longer than normal. Foreign nationals should anticipate that processing of residence permits will take longer than the 20 business days required by statute and should adjust their business schedules accordingly.

  • Implementation time frame: Ongoing.
  • Visas/permits affected: Residence permits for highly skilled professionals, ICT permits.
  • Who is affected: Employers and non-EU nationals applying for the residence permits listed above.
  • Impact on processing times: Processing times are longer than the standard 20 business days. Current processing times may range from 30 to 35 working days.

Background: Under the Entrepreneurs Act, the statutory processing time for residence permit applications is 20 days. However, the authorities may extend this processing time without prior notice. 

Analysis & Comments: Foreign nationals submitting visa applications should book an appointment at the consulate immediately after beginning the residence permit process. Since supporting documents for visa applications must be submitted 90 days after their issuance, and appointments are being scheduled up to three months in advance, applicants should confirm that submitted documents will be accepted once the appointment is assigned.

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