What is the change? President Cyril Ramaphosa ordered the country on lock down to help slow the spread of COVID-19, citing the increasing numbers of cases worldwide and a high risk of overwhelming the country’s health care system. The measures are detailed below.

  • All individuals are ordered to stay home during the lockdown from midnight Thursday, March 26 until midnight April 16. Critical workers, such as medical personnel, those involved in food production, and other essential services, are exempt.
  • Individuals will only be allowed to leave their homes under strictly controlled circumstances, such as to seek medical care, buy food, medicine and other supplies or collect a social grant.
  • All offices, shops and businesses will be closed, except for essential services. Companies that are able to operate remotely should do so.
  • South African citizens and residents arriving from high-risk countries will be automatically placed under quarantine for 14 days.
  • Non-citizens arriving on flights from high-risk countries (currently China, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States) will be turned back.
  • International travelers who arrived in South Africa from high-risk countries after March 9, 2020 will be confined to their hotels until they complete a 14-day quarantine.
  • International flights to Lanseria Airport are temporarily suspended.

Analysis & Comments: Companies and their employees should prepare for the national lockdown measures and consider implementing telecommuting policies for employees if possible.

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