Singapore is moving to reopen businesses and government operations after they were closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key Points:

  • As of June 2, businesses will be allowed to resume activities in a phased manner:
    • For information on which businesses may resume, check here.
    • Businesses that are permitted to resume on-site operations on June 2 must declare their manpower details using the “Permissions and Manpower Declaration” link at within two weeks of resuming operations. The required details are: (1) the total number of employees/workers working on-site, and (2) The proportion of these employees/workers who are working part-time and/or shifts. The portal is now available to receive declarations.
    • Before resuming on-site operations, it is essential for each business to implement the Requirements for Safe Management at Workplaces, and comply with sector-specific advisories and requirements. More information can be found here.
  • As of June 2, the ICA will resume counter services in a limited and controlled manner, strictly for select services that cannot be completed online and by appointment only. Members of the public should continue to use ICA’s e-Services available at MyICA for passport application, identity card (IC) reregistration and Short-Term Visit Pass extensions. ICA will also arrange delivery of the IC and passport to residents who have applied for an IC under mandatory/optional IC reregistration, or applied for a passport, between Jan. 1 and May 31, and have not collected their IC or passport because of the circuit breaker. Applicants will not be charged for this delivery service. ICA will contact all affected applicants and provide them with the details of this service from mid-June to end of July.
  • As of June 2, limited appointment slots will be available at the Ministry of Manpower Services Centre (MOMSC) and the Employment Pass Services Centre (EPSC).
  • For those unable to secure an appointment at this time, MOM will automatically extend the expiry dates of notification letters to give pass holders more time to make an appointment. No hard copy letters will be issued for this extension. In the meantime, pass holders can remain in Singapore with their notification letters or card replacement letters. Those who telecommute or work in permitted services approved by the Ministry of Trade and Industry may use the letters as proof of the validity of their passes.
  • The following pass holders should not make an appointment at this time:
    • Those who require a medical examination for card registration should only make an appointment after completing the medical examination. Clinics will likely resume providing this service in Phase 2.
    • Those who are currently staying in dormitories designated as isolation areas are prohibited from making an appointment until after they are allowed to leave the dormitory.

Analysis & Comments: The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and Deloitte will provide additional updates as information becomes available. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.

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