The Singaporean Ministry of Health has updated its country classification lists and entry requirements for individuals who have travel history in countries 21 days before arriving in Singapore.

Category I:

  • Category I countries and areas include: Hong Kong, Macao, mainland China, and Taiwan.
  • Individuals from Category I countries and areas can enter Singapore without proof of vaccination but must take a PCR test upon arrival and quarantine until the results are received.

Category II:

  • Category II countries include: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, Poland, South Korea and Saudi Arabia.
  • Individuals from Category II countries can enter Singapore without proof of vaccination but must take a PCR test 48 hours before departure, take a PCR test upon arrival, quarantine for seven days, and take another PCR test on day seven of the quarantine.

Category III:

  • Category III countries include: Austria, Belgium Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
  • Individuals from Category III countries can enter Singapore with but must be fully vaccinated before arrival; take a PCR test 48 hours before departure and upon arrival; quarantine for 14 days; take antigen tests on days three, seven and 11 of quarantine; and take a final PCR test on day 14 of the quarantine.
  • Long-term pass holders must take a test to confirm their vaccination status within 14 days of completing the 14-day quarantine; upon confirmation, such individuals will be able to enter malls, restaurants and other public places.

Category IV:

  • Category IV countries includes all other countries and regions not listed above except Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
  • Individuals from Category IV countries can enter Singapore with but must be fully vaccinated before arrival; take a PCR test 48 hours before departure and upon arrival; quarantine for 14 days at a designated facility; take antigen tests on days three, seven and 11 of quarantine; and take a final PCR test on day 14 of the quarantine.
  • Long-term pass holders must take a test to confirm their vaccination status within 14 days of completing the 14-day quarantine; upon confirmation, such individuals will be able to enter malls, restaurants and other public places.

Additional Information: Travelers from the Philippines are subject to additional antigen rapid testing upon arrival. Entry remains banned for travelers from Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. All changes to border measures, entry requirements and health protocols will be updated on the SafeTravel website.

BAL Analysis: The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and BAL will provide additional updates as information becomes available.

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice Group. For additional information, please contact

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