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What is the change? Following the imposition of martial law in 10 regions of Ukraine, the Ukrainian government has announced that male citizens of Russia ages 16-60 are restricted from entering the country. According to the State Border Authority’s hotline, Russian citizens holding temporary or permanent residence permits will not be affected by the restriction.
Background: After Russian forces seized three Ukrainian ships Nov. 25 in the Black Sea, the Ukrainian government imposed martial law in 10 regions. The bar on entry for Russian men has not been codified by law, but border officers are likely acting based on internal instructions that are not publicly available. As of now, Russian men who lack a residence permit are unlikely to be admitted to Ukraine during the period of martial law. In addition, Russian men who hold a valid residence permit may be at risk of non-admission. According to press reports, the Russian Foreign Ministry has said that Russia does not plan on retaliating against the Ukrainian ban by restricting Ukrainian nationals from entering Russia.
Analysis & Comments: Russian men ages 16-60 may face difficulties with crossing the Ukrainian border, especially if they do not already possess a residence permit. Russian men who are currently in Ukraine to obtain a residence permit are advised to stay in Ukraine until after the residence permit has been obtained. Additional information is likely to become available in the coming days.
Source: Deloitte LLP. Deloitte LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC303675 and its registered office at 1 New Street Square, London EC4A 3HQ, United Kingdom.
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