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Qatar has once again updated its ‘green list’ of low-risk COVID-19 countries.
Key Points:
Background: Qatar last updated the low-risk countries list the first week of November.
Additional Information: Travelers from low-risk countries must still receive a COVID-19 test at the airport and sign a pledge to enter a home quarantine for one week after arriving in Qatar. After the home quarantine, travelers must receive a second COVID-19 test from a dedicated health center. Travelers with positive results must enter isolation at a government facility and those with negative results will be free to leave quarantine.
Travelers from high-risk countries will be asked to undergo a COVID-19 test at Doha airport. They will need to undergo a hotel quarantine booked from Discover Qatar for seven days. On the sixth day of the hotel quarantine, they will need to go to a dedicated health center in Qatar to get another COVID-19 test. Travelers with positive results must enter isolation at a government facility and those with negative results will need to undergo a home quarantine for another week.
Travelers who present a valid COVID-19 test certificate taken within 48 hours prior travelling to Qatar from a dedicated testing center are exempt from taking the COVID-19 test at the airport upon arrival. As of today, dedicated testing centers are currently available only for those coming from Thailand, Germany, United Kingdom and Turkey. The updated list can be checked at the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) website.
Everyone arriving in Qatar must download and install the Ehteraz app. Analysis & Comments: The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and Deloitte will provide additional updates as information becomes available. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.
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