What is the change? Work permits for foreign nationals that normally take about four weeks to process are now taking closer to double that time.

What does the change mean? An approximate eight-week processing time means employers requesting a first-time work permit for employees should plan ahead and submit applications early, if possible.

  • Implementation time frame: Ongoing
  • Visas/permits affected: Work permits
  • Who is affected: Employers and non-EEA nationals applying for a first-time work permit.
  • Impact on processing times: Processing times are about double the standard four weeks.
  • Next steps: Businesses may need to adjust timelines or start dates because of the delay.

Background: Work permit processing times have been delayed since June, largely because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The delays could be exacerbated in the coming weeks and months because non-resident U.K. employees will be required to apply for work authorization to continue working in Norway.

Analysis & Comments:  Employers and work permit applicants should anticipate that processing will take significantly longer than normal. Employers are encouraged to consider whether any non-EEA employees, including U.K. nationals, will need a work permit in the near future and leave as much time as possible when submitting an application.

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