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What is the change? Authorities have extended to Jan. 12 the deadline for foreign nationals to complete e-registration. They have also indicated that foreign nationals seeking to extend 60-day temporary work permits should complete e-registration, even if they intend to leave the country within 90 days of arriving.
Background: The Nigeria Immigration Service announced the e-registration program earlier this year, saying it is undertaking the effort to develop a database of foreign nationals and improve security through better-regulated borders and stronger immigration control. Officials originally set a Dec. 31 deadline, but have now extended the deadline to Jan. 12.
E-registration requires long-term foreign nationals who are 18 or older to visit an e-registration center in their state of residence. They are required to provide relevant documentation and information to complete an online registration form and have their biometrics taken. Initially, authorities indicated that only those who intended to remain in Nigeria for more than 90 days would be required to register. In some instances, however, officials have told foreign nationals to complete e-registration when extending 60-day temporary work permits even if they intend to stay for less than 90 days.
Analysis & Comments: Employers are encouraged to make sure that foreign employees complete e-registration as soon as possible if they are required to do so. Failure to register carries the possibility of stiff penalties, including up to three years in prison, a fine of 500,000 naira (about US$1,390), or both. Deloitte is available to assist employers in making sure their employees properly complete the e-registration procedures.
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