Nigeria have postponed plans to resume international flights until Sept. 5.

Key Points:

  • International flights were first suspended in March, with exceptions in place for essential and diplomatic flights. Nigeria recently announced that international flights will resume on Aug. 29, but officials pushed that date back this week.
  • Commercial air travel is now scheduled to resume at international airports in Abuja and Lagos on Sept. 5. Additional information is expected soon, but it is likely that under the principle of reciprocity, carriers from countries that ban flights from Nigeria will not be permitted to land in Nigeria.

Analysis & Comments: The resumption of international flights may allow employers to send employees into and out of Nigeria, though little information is available at this point about what procedures and protocols may be in place when flights resume. Deloitte will provide additional information as it becomes available. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.

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