What is the change? Luxembourg has increased the minimum monthly salary for non-qualified foreign workers, qualified foreign workers and EU Intracompany Transferees.

  • Effective date: Jan. 1, 2020.
  • Visas/permits affected: Work permits.
  • Who is affected: Companies employing foreign nationals in Luxembourg.

Additional information:

  • The minimum salary for non-qualified foreign workers has increased to EUR 2,141.99 from EUR 2,089.75.
  • The minimum salary for qualified workers has increased to EUR 2,570.39 from EUR 2,507.70.
  • The minimum salary for EU Intracompany Transferee permits has increased to EUR 2,570.39 from EUR 2,507.70.

Analysis and Comments: Foreign employees in Luxembourg salaries typically already exceed the thresholds, and businesses should expect a minimal change in labor costs for workers because of the new minimum wage. Companies should ensure that all work permit applications meet or exceed the threshold salary levels for foreign workers.

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