The Netherlands has closed the consular departments of its embassies worldwide in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key Points:

  • Consular services are canceled until at least April 6.
  • The government has imposed a 30-day travel ban.
  • Exemptions to this ban apply to (1) EU nationals, EEA nationals, U.K. nationals, and Swiss nationals and their family members; (2) third-country nationals holding a residence card (including a Highly Skilled Migrant residence permit) or a residence permit in accordance with Directive 2003/109/EC (LTR Directive); (3) third-country nationals who derive their right of residence from other European Directives (e.g., EU Blue Card, ICT Directive residence permit) or from the national law of a member state; (4) holders of a long-stay visa, including persons with a temporary residence permit (MVV) (the MVV exemption is under discussion with the relevant authorities); and essential staff.

Full travel bans apply to flights departing from: China (including Hong Kong), Iran, Italy and South Korea.

Background: The Netherlands’ decision to enforce the travel ban follows the European Union’s recent agreement to halt most travel to the EU for 30 days.

Analysis & Comments: Employers must be prepared for significant disruptions to employee mobility and should anticipate further restrictions. The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and Deloitte will provide additional updates as information becomes available.

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