What is the change? Employers are reminded that a new fee schedule for visit and stay visas/ permits has taken effect.

  • Effective date: Aug. 7.
  • Documents affected: Work Visa Extension, Temporary Stay Visa, Residence Visa (DIRE).
  • Business impact: The fee increase will raise the cost of employing foreign nationals and sponsoring Temporary Stay Visas and DIRE for foreign nationals.

New fees:

Document Previously Charged Fees Updated Fees

(Normal Rate)

Updated Fees

(Urgency Rate)

Work Visa Extension for (CPLP) 16,680 MZM 33,760 MZM 39,080 MZM
Work Visa Extension (Other Nationalities) 16,680 MZM 33,760 MZM 39,080 MZM
Temporary Stay Visa (CPLP) 16,680 MZM 33,760 MZM 39,080 MZM
Temporary Stay Visa (Other Nationalities) 16,680 MZM 33,760 MZM 39,080 MZM
DIRE (CPLP) 14,400 MZM 29,310 MZM 39,080 MZM
DIRE (Other Nationalities) 19,200 MZM 33,760 MZM 39,080 MZM

Analysis & Comments: The fee increases are significant, up to 103% for certain visa categories, and companies should factor the changes into their budgets.

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