The Moroccan government announced a Health State of Emergency, which is in effect until April 20, to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Key points:

  • Until further notice, commercial flights to and from the country are suspended.
  • Requests to extend, obtain or renew residency cards are not being processed, until further notice.
  • Recent foreign entrants to the country who have been unable to leave within 90 days because of COVID-19 will be allowed to leave the country without being fined, when it is possible to travel. This is also true if they do not have an extension to remain in the country longer than 90 days. Residency cards possessed by foreigners that expire within 90 days after arriving will be honored by the government.

Additional information: During the Health State of Emergency, movement within the country is limited to essential activities such as seeking medical care, working, shopping and attending to emergencies. A 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. daily curfew has also been implemented.

Analysis & Comments: The travel restrictions and processing disruptions will impact the movement of people into Morocco. Employers should account for affected travelers and rearrange travel schedules accordingly. Significant delays may occur for consular and in-country processing. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.

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