Malaysia’s Social Security Organization (SOCSO) issued new guidelines on Jan. 1 regarding job advertisements on SOCSO’s MYFutureJobs portal.

Key Points:

  • For new applications of any category of employment pass, employers must now advertise the new job position on MYFutureJobs. The new job vacancy must be advertised on MYFutureJobs for a minimum of 30 days.
  • Employers must conduct job interviews within the 30-day period of posting. They must do so without the direct involvement of the SOCSO.
  • Employers must also submit a Hiring Outcome Report (which can be downloaded from SOCSO’s official website) within two days after conducting a job interview.
  • All employers’ applications for hiring expatriates will be presented to the Expatriates Hiring Committee (JPPD) for consideration. Employers must obtain a recommendation certificate for hiring expatriates from the Expatriates Hiring Committee before submitting the Employment pass application to the relevant immigration agencies.
  • There are two types of exemptions to advertising on MYFutureJobs: conditional and automatic. For conditional exemptions, employers must complete the prescribed SOCSO form, “Form PDKK,” to apply for consideration from SOSCO for specialized skilled positions to be exempted from advertising. Specialized skilled positions include specific and unique skills as well as strategic competencies to carry out tasks stipulated by employers.
  • The following are automatically exempt:
    • Foreign nationals working in important positions (e.g., C-suite, key posts within a company) and expatriates with monthly income of RM15,000 and above.
    • Foreign nationals who are investors, shareholders or owners.
    • Corporate transferees, placements and foreign personnel coming to Malaysia under an International Trade Agreement.
    • Foreign nationals working in a Representative Office/ Regional Office (RERO).
    • Foreign nationals working in international organizations.
    • Foreign nationals working in sports sectors.
  • Renewals of employment passes with pre-approved positions will also be exempted from advertising on MYFutureJobs. Please refer to this FAQ.

Background: Malaysia’s government implemented its MYFutureJobs policy Jan. 1, 2021.

Analysis & Comments: The changes will add to the time it takes to hire expatriates for jobs in Malaysia. Employers who intend to hire expatriates there may wish to consult with Deloitte to discuss their plans.

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