What is the change? The Immigration Department of Malaysia has suspended issuance of i-Kad identification cards until further notice.

  • Implementation timeframe: Immediate and ongoing. The immigration department stopped issuing i-Kads on July 17.
  • Documents affected: i-Kad identification cards
  • Who is affected: Foreign nationals holding an Employment Pass (Category or Category II) with a basic salary of at least RM5000 (about US$1,190) per month.
  • Next steps:While it is hard to tell how long the suspension will last, it will likely be weeks, if not months, before i-Kad issuance resumes.

Additional information: The i-Kad is a biometric ID card that is issued to foreign nationals holding a Category I or Category II employment pass. Foreign nationals can use i-Kads in Malaysia as an alternative ID to their passport. They can also use them to access e-gate facilities when entering Malaysia via Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA I or KLIA II).

Analysis & Comments: The suspension is not expected to adversely impact the immigration status of Employment Pass holders as long as their Employment Passes are valid. Foreign nationals who have i-Kads can continue using them until they expire. Those who do not have i-Kads are encouraged to carry their passports as ID while in Malaysia. Foreign nationals who do not have valid i-Kads will not be able to access e-gate facilities when entering Malaysia.

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