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What is the change? Malaysia has stepped up travel restrictions in an effort to stop the spread of coronavirus.
What does the change mean? Authorities will deny entry to Peninsular Malaysia to anyone who has been in Hubei, Jiangsu or Zhejiang provinces in the past 14 days. Entry will also be denied to People’s Republic of China (PRC) passport holders who were born in or had their visa issued in any of the three provinces. Previously, the ban only covered Hubei Province. Authorities in East Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak) will ban entry to all PRC passport holders, regardless of where they are traveling from, and to all travelers from mainland China, regardless of nationality.
Analysis & Comments: Employers should be aware the entry restrictions. The response to the coronavirus is evolving rapidly, and Deloitte will alert clients to additional changes or restrictions as information becomes available.
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