The Israeli Health Ministry has updated its list of “green locations” that are deemed to have low COVID-19 infection rates. Travelers from these countries do not need to quarantine when arriving to Israel.

Key Points:

  • The newly added green countries/territories are: Australia, Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Uruguay and the United Arab Emirates.
  • The countries that were previously on the list and remain so are: Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Hong Kong, Italy, Jordan, Latvia, Lithuania, New Zealand, Rwanda, Slovenia and the United Kingdom.
  • All passengers entering and exiting Israel are still required to fill out an online Health Declaration Form prior to entering Israel or before boarding a flight out of Israel. The form is available on the Ministry of Health website.
  • Travelers from all other countries, or “red locations,” must still quarantine for 14 days upon arriving in Israel.
  • Upon arrival, travelers from “red locations” will be asked to prove they can comply with isolation requirements at home or in another suitable accommodation. Those who cannot comply with home isolation requirements will have to declare the address of their accommodation for the entire isolation period.
  • Anybody (including Israeli citizens) who wishes to travel to Israel, either from Green or Red Locations, must fill out an online inbound clearance application form, within 24 hours of their travel to Israel. The individual will be cleared or refused to board the flight.
  • Anybody (including Israeli citizens) arriving from any location will need to present an entry clearance. Passengers must print out the clearance and show it to airport officials.
  • Any foreign national entering Israel must present health insurance that specifically covers COVID-19 upon entry.

Background: Israel introduced the Green list in August. The list of green locations will be updated periodically and can be found at the Ministry of Health website.

Analysis & Comments: The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and Deloitte will provide additional updates as information becomes available. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.

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