Indonesia has expanded travel restrictions and suspended its visa-exemption policy for one month.

Key Points:

  • Visa exemptions for short-stay visits, visas on arrival and diplomatic/service visa-free facilities are suspended for one month for all foreign nationals.
  • Entry and transit will also be denied to anyone who has traveled to the following countries in the last 14 days: France, Germany, Iran, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Vatican City.
  • Indonesian citizens who have traveled to the above countries must undergo an additional screening by the Port Health Authority upon arrival. If the screening shows initial symptoms of COVID-19, a 14-day observation in a government facility will be mandatory; if no initial symptoms are found, they will be strongly advised to undertake a 14-day self-quarantine.
  • Foreign nationals applying for a visa at an Indonesian mission must provide a health certificate issued by their country’s health authority.
  • Indonesian citizens are advised against all non-essential travel, and those currently abroad are encouraged to return to Indonesia as soon as possible.

Analysis & Comments: Employers must be prepared for significant disruptions to employee mobility. The response to COVID-19 continues to develop, and Deloitte will provide additional updates as information becomes available.

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