Hong Kong recently announced new conditions for inbound travelers who have visited certain high-risk countries.

Key points:

  • Inbound travelers who have visited Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Africa or the United States must provide a report showing they tested negative for the COVID-19 virus. The report must be in English or Chinese and must be issued by a lab or healthcare institution. The name on the report must match the name on the travel document. The test must be taken within 72 hours before the scheduled time of departure.
  • If the test report is not in English or Chinese, or does not contain all the required test information, a written confirmation in English or Chinese from the lab or healthcare institution with the required test information must be presented with the test report. The  name on the written confirmation must match the name on the travel document.
  • Along with the written confirmation, travelers must have both documentary proof in English or Chinese showing that the lab or healthcare institution is ISO 15189 accredited or is recognised or approved by a government authority where it is located and a confirmation in English or Chinese of a Hong Kong hotel room reservation for not less than 14 days starting on the day of arrival.

Analysis & Comments: The new conditions for inbound travelers who have visited the high-risk countries will slow the entry process for them. Employers should take note and arrange employee travel schedules accordingly. The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and Deloitte will provide additional updates as information becomes available. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.

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