What is the change? Guyana is now requiring that applications for visas and work permits in the oil and gas industry include a copy of the employment agreement with the sponsoring entity.

What does the change mean? Foreign nationals working in the oil and gas industry who are applying for work-related visas and permits must now submit a copy of their employment agreement. Oil and gas workers who are not on a local contract must have a sponsor letter detailing the relationship between the receiving entity in Guyana and the sending entity. The requirements apply to all work permit applications, including renewals.

  • Implementation time frame: Immediate and ongoing.
  • Visas/permits affected: All work-related visas and permits.
  • Who is affected: Foreign nationals working in the oil and gas industry in Guyana and their employers.
  • Business impact: The additional documentation requirement complicates the application process.
  • Next steps: Employers in the oil and gas industry in Guyana should be aware of the change when submitting initial and renewal work permit applications for employees.

Background: Guyana began introducing stricter documentation requirements for work permits last year that included medical and police clearances.

Analysis & Comments: The new requirement indicates Guyana is continuing to implement stricter documentation requirements for foreign national workers, and employers should anticipate further changes and restrictions. Deloitte will alert clients to additional changes or restrictions as information becomes available.

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