Travelers from some European countries will not be allowed to enter Greece unless they meet certain COVID-19 criteria. The new restrictions were announced by the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority.

Key points:

  • From Aug. 17 to Aug. 31, passengers from Albania, Belgium, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Spain and Sweden will need to present negative COVID-19 test results for entry.
  • The ban on entry of non-EU citizens is extended until Aug. 31, except for travelers from the following countries: Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, Rwanda, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates and Uruguay.
  • All travelers from Bulgaria, Malta, Romania, and the United Arab Emirates remain subject to a previous requirement to provide a negative COVID-19 test result taken 72 hours prior to arrival in Greece.
  • All travelers arriving in Greece must fill out a Passenger Locator Form at least a day before arrival and provide contact tracing information such as departure airport, address where they will be staying in Greece and the expected duration of their stay in Greece.

Background: Greece first implemented travel restrictions in March. There are some exemptions for family members of EU nationals, Schengen citizens, essential workers (medical staff, specialized scientific staff essential for the operation of the Greek government, or those on diplomatic missions.

Analysis & Comments: The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and Deloitte will provide additional updates as information becomes available. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.

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