What is the change? Kazakhstan has introduced a single-entry e-visa program for nationals of 117 countries.

What does the change mean? Nationals from the affected countries are now eligible for a single-entry tourist visa, while nationals from 23 countries are now eligible for a single-entry business and/or medical treatment visa with a valid letter of invitation. Foreign nationals may use the e-visa when entering Kazakhstan through Nur-Sultan (Astana) and Almaty international airports.

  • Implementation time frame: Jan. 1.
  • Visas/permits affected: E-visa program.
  • Business impact: Nationals from 23 countries with a valid letter of invitation are now eligible for single-entry business e-visas.

Background: Nationals of the following countries are now eligible for single-entry e-visas with a maximum authorized stay of up to 90 days (depending on the visa category):

Nationalities Eligible for e-Visa Program

Algeria  Andorra Angola
Antigua and Barbuda            Aruba   Bahamas**
Bahrain Bangladesh       Barbados
Belize   Benin Bermuda*        
Bhutan Bolivia   Botswana         
Brunei Darussalam Burkina Faso     Burundi**        
Cambodia** Cameroon         Central African Republic          
Chad China    Colombia         
Comoros Democratic Republic of the Congo           Costa Rica       
Côte d’Ivoire Cuba** Democratic People’s Republic of Korea           
Djibouti Dominica          Dominican Republic          
El Salvador Eritrea  Ethiopia           
Faroe Islands Fiji        Gabon 
Gambia Ghana  Greenland*
Grenada           Guatemala Guinea
Guinea-Bissau  Guyana Haiti** 
Honduras**      India Indonesia**     
Jamaica            Kenya Kiribati 
Kuwait**          Laos** Lebanon          
Lesotho Liberia Liechtenstein    
Macao**           Macedonia**    Madagascar     
Malawi  Maldives Mali     
Marshall Islands            Mauritania Mauritius          
Micronesia        Montenegro**  Morocco**                   
Mozambique     Myanmar (Burma) Namibia           
Nauru   Nepal Nicaragua**                
Niger    Nigeria Oman**                       
Palau    Panama Papua New Guinea
Paraguay          Peru Qatar**            
Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis    Saint Lucia       
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa  San Marino      
Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia     Senegal           
Seychelles        Sierra Leone     South Africa** 
Sri Lanka          Suriname          Swaziland
Taiwan* Tanzania Thailand           
Republic of the Philippines The Virgin Islands* Togo    
Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia 
Turkmenistan Tuvalu  Uganda
Uruguay Vanuatu            Vatican**
Venezuela Vietnam** Zambia
Zimbabwe *Nationalities eligible for business and medical treatment e-visas only.

**Nationalities eligible for tourist, business and medical treatment e-visas.

All other nationalities are eligible for a tourist e-visa.

Analysis & Comments: The e-visa program will ease travel procedures for nationals of 117 countries traveling to Kazakhstan for tourism and for nationals of 23 countries traveling to Kazakhstan for short-term business stays. Travelers using the e-visa must enter/exit Kazakhstan through either Nur-Sultan (Astana) or Almaty airport. Those applying for a business e-visa must submit a valid letter of invitation. Employees conducting work activities in Kazakhstan must apply for the applicable visa prior to entry.

Source: Deloitte LLP. Deloitte LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC303675 and its registered office at 1 New Street Square, London EC4A 3HQ, United Kingdom.