What is the change? The Dirección Nacional de Migraciones (DNM) has affirmed that third-party representatives who meet certain qualifications are permitted to submit applications for transitory visas on behalf of foreign nationals. In addition, the DNM has issued a new reporting regulation for holders of transitory visas.

  • Implementation timeframe: Immediately.
  • Visas/permits affected: Transitory visas.
  • Who is affected: Employers of those holding transitory visas.
  • Impact on processing times: Much easier processing.
  • Business impact: Reduces waiting time at DNM.
  • Next steps: Make sure to sign a power of attorney for third-party processing.

Background: Last month, the DNM introduced a new requirement that an in-person appointment is necessary to submit each transitory visa application. Although it was announced at the time that third-party representatives would be allowed to submit on behalf of the applicants, it was not perfectly clear what the required qualifications were for third-party representatives. The DNM recently stated that representatives who hold power of attorney that is registered with Registro Nacional Unico de Requirientes Extranjeros (RENURE) will be permitted to submit transitory visa applications on the behalf of foreign nationals. Representatives who do not meet this qualification may not submit applications.

In addition, the DNM announced that employers are now required to report to RENURE within 15 working days whenever an employee holding a transitory visa stops work. This applies if the transitory visa was granted to facilitate this specific work.

BAL analysis: The change will improve processing now that employers can get 24-hour work authorization in-country. It will also reduce headaches for business travelers who no longer have to wait at the DNM for transitory visas. Companies should sign powers of attorney for third-party processing of transitory visa applications.

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice group and our network provider located in Argentina. For additional information, please contact

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