Denmark has put new COVID-19 entry restrictions in place, including a new 10-day quarantine for all international arrivals.

Key Points:

  • Ten-day quarantine. Under a change that took effect Feb. 7, anyone arriving from abroad, including Danish nationals, must isolate for 10 days upon arrival. Those who are arriving for work can break the quarantine to go to work but otherwise must quarantine. If they test negative for COVID-19 at the earliest 48 hours after the test taken on arrival they can break the quarantine. This test must be a PCR test. Those traveling for reasons unrelated to work can break quarantine if they test negative for COVID-19 on the fourth day of isolation. Arrivals who do not isolate as required may face fines for noncompliance.
  • Testing requirements. Besides being required to provide documentation of a “worthy cause” to enter Denmark, travelers must present a negative COVID-19 test taken within 24 hours before traveling. Travelers are also required to take a rapid COVID-19 test upon arrival at the airport. Those who test negative upon arrival can enter Denmark and begin their 10-day isolation.
  • “Worthy purposes” for entry. Authorities continue to adjust the list of “worthy purposes” for entering Denmark. The current list is available here, but it is subject to change with little or no notice. Authorities are also taking additional measures against arrivals from countries that have high rates of COVID-19 infections, particularly countries with new COVID-19 variants such as the United Kingdom and South Africa.
  • Workplace testing. Danish employers and workplaces are now required to have a COVID-19 testing plan in place, including plans to administer PCR COVID-19 tests to all new hires from abroad.
  • Documentation requirements. Documentation requirements for foreign nationals arriving for work, their family members and other coming to Denmark continue to change. Those traveling to Denmark are encouraged to reach out to their immigration or relocation provider for the most up-to-date requirements.

Analysis & Comments: The changes will add to the time it takes to plan travel to Denmark. Some travelers may be barred from entering, depending on their reason for travel and the country from which they are departing. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in Denmark and other countries.

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