The Costa Rican government has announced it will allow air travel from select U.S. states deemed to be low risk for coronavirus. Travelers from these states must still meet other entry requirements.

Key points:

  • As of Sept. 1, travelers from the U.S. states of Connecticut, Maine, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New York and Vermont have been allowed to travel to Costa Rica.
  • Starting Sept. 15, residences of Colorado, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania will also be allowed to travel to Costa Rica.
  • These travelers will need to prove their state of residency with a valid driver’s license or certificate of residence of the respective state.
  • Private flights from these states will also be allowed.
  • Travelers from these states must meet all other entry requirements, including testing negative for COVID-19 within 72 hours of their flight, having travel insurance that covers medical care and filling out a health pass form from the Ministry of Health.

Background: Costa Rica reopened commercial air travel to “safe countries” on Aug. 1.

Analysis & Comments: While the change will allow some travelers from the U.S. to visit Costa Rica, travelers should note that only travel for tourist purposes is available at this time; business travel remains suspended. The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and Deloitte will provide additional updates as information becomes available. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.

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