What is the change? The Chilean government has placed restrictions on travel from Spain and Italy to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

What does the change mean? All travelers to Chile who have been in Spain and/or Italy in the past 30 days, including Chilean nationals, residents and tourists, will be placed in quarantine for 14 days.

  • Implementation time frame: Immediately.
  • Who is affected: Travelers to Chile from Spain and/or Italy.
  • Business impact: The restriction will affect travel from Spain and Italy, including travel for business.
  • Next steps: The new restriction is in place until further notice. Employers with employees who have been in Spain or Italy in the past 30 days can expect employees will be placed in a quarantine if they enter Chile. Additional restrictions are possible in the coming months.

Additional information: The new travel restriction expands upon previous ones made this month that require all travelers entering the country, and whose final destination is Chile, to complete and sign an affidavit concerning the status of their health, as well as their travel history for the past 30 days, before arrival. Aircraft and ship staff will provide the forms to passengers prior to disembarkation. In addition, all travelers will have their temperature taken at their port of entry and if they present high temperature will be placed on immediate quarantine.

Analysis & Comments: The new restriction on inbound travel from Spain and Italy represents Chile’s latest effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Those who are considering travel to Chile from Spain and Italy may want to reconsider their plans at this time. The COVID-19 outbreak is an emerging situation that is changing rapidly and Deloitte will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates accordingly.

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