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What is the change? Authorities have declared a state of emergency amid mass protests in Chile, imposing curfews, closing roads and shutting down public transportation in much of the country.
What does the change mean? Immigration services may be disrupted. Government offices are likely to remain closed or operate on a limited schedule in the coming days. Foreign nationals may not be able to make appointments because of road closures and limited transportation options. Individuals can still submit applications by mail, but processing is likely to be delayed.
Background: Authorities declared a state of emergency in Santiago Saturday, as the capital grappled with mass demonstrations. The state of emergency was subsequently expanded to other parts of the country. It is not known, at this point, how long emergency measures will remain in place.
Analysis & Comments: Employers and individuals should anticipate delays while government offices are closed or operating on a limited basis. Individuals who are unable to make a scheduled appointment are encouraged to work with their immigration provider to reschedule the appointment when normal services resume.
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