What is the change? Employers and foreign nationals in Chile continue to experience delays in immigration and International Police services as protests continue in locations across the country.

  • Implementation time frame: Ongoing.
  • Services affected: Immigration services, including visa issuance and appointments for work permits and identification cards; International Police services, including visa registration and permanent residency registration.
  • Who is affected: Anyone in need of immigration or International Police services in Chile.
  • Business impact: Companies may need to adjust time lines for employees who are impacted by delays or limited services.

Background: Chile has seen mass demonstrations in the past few weeks. Authorities declared a state of emergency last month, closing roads and shutting down public transportation in much of the country. The state of emergency has been lifted, but the protests continue to have an impact on immigration and police services.

Analysis & Comments: Employers and foreign nationals should continue to expect delays and the possibility of disruptions in services. Individuals who are unable to make a scheduled appointment are encouraged to work with their immigration provider to reschedule the appointment when normal services resume. Deloitte continues to work with affected clients to provide case-specific advice as needed.

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