The Chilean government has updated its border measures.

Key Points:

  • As of Nov. 1, travelers who have completed a vaccination scheme that has been validated by the Ministry of Health and satisfy all other health requirements can enter the country but must quarantine upon arrival until they receive a negative PCR test result.
  • Chilean nationals and residents can enter the country through any border crossing if they have:
    • Proof of a negative PCR test taken within 72 hours of departure.
    • Submitted a sworn health affidavit.
    • A valid Mobility Pass or quarantine upon arrival.
  • Foreign nationals can enter the country if they quarantine upon arrival until they receive a negative PCR test and have:
    • Confirmed they are fully vaccinated on this website.
    • Submitted a health affidavit at least 48 hours before boarding.
    • Proof of a negative PCR test taken within 72 hours of departure.
    • Medical insurance covering at least $30,000.
  • The changes will remain in effect until at least Nov. 30

Additional Information: Mobility pass approval may take up to 30 days. Nonresident foreigners with a valid mobility pass can only enter through the airports in Antofagasta, Iquique, Punta Arenas, and Santiago. Children under the age of six will be allowed to leave the country without being fully vaccinated but must quarantine when reentering the country. If a Chilean national or resident arrives to Chile without a valid Mobility Pass, they are required to complete a seven-day mandatory quarantine.

BAL Analysis: The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and BAL will provide additional updates as information becomes available.

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice group. For additional information, please contact

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