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What is the change? Chile has announced that it will require foreign nationals with pending visa or residence applications to seek approval before traveling out of Chile.
What does the change mean? Foreign nationals who need to travel abroad while their applications are in “processing status” must (1) send an email to the Immigration Department five days before travel, (2) attach a letter explaining the reason for the travel, (3) attach a copy of their international travel itinerary and (4) include a receipt for the lodgement of their visa or residence application.
Additional information: In May, Chile’s Immigration Department eased travel procedures for foreign nationals with pending visa or residence applications. At the time, officials said travel out of Chile would be permitted so long as the individual presented a courier receipt from the post office that sends and receives information from the Immigration Department (Correos de Chile). This changed last week however, and foreign nationals with pending applications now must obtain approval before traveling out of Chile.
Analysis & Comments: The change makes international travel more difficult for foreign nationals with pending visa or residence applications. The challenges may be compounded by the delays applicants are seeing in visa and permit processing. Foreign nationals with pending applications should contact Deloitte about international travel plans for help in seeking approval to travel from the authorities.
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