The Canadian government continues to accept and process permanent residence applications but says its ability to process applications is being hampered by COVID-19. Delays should be expected.

Key Points:

  • The government says it is unable to process applications normally or provide estimate processing times due to COVID-19.
  • Immigration officials are prioritizing applications from Canadians and permanent residents returning to the country, vulnerable groups and those providing or supporting essential services workers.
  • Applications in progress will not be closed or refused if the applicant is unable to provide missing documents because of COVID-19.
  • Individuals residing outside of Canada who have received Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) but have not yet landed in Canada are not eligible to land unless they are exempt from current travel restrictions, coming to Canada to settle permanently and are able to quarantine for 14 days after arrival.
  • In-person permanent resident landing appointments in Canada are canceled until further notice because of COVID-19. IRCC will provide further instructions to affected individuals.
  • If the COPR and permanent resident visa expire before the individual is able to travel to Canada, the individual should notify IRCC of their date to move to Canada permanently using the Web Form. IRCC will provide further instructions at that point.

Background: Travel to Canada is restricted at this time. Only travelers who are considered essential or have exemptions will be granted entry.

Analysis & Comments: The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and more information will be provided as it becomes available.

This alert was prepared by de Lint LLP, an independent immigration law firm, allied with Deloitte LLP in Canada.