Bolivia is again requiring visas for nationals of Israel and the United States.

Key Points:

  • Under a change that took effect on Feb. 8, Israeli and U.S. nationals will need a visa to enter the country.
  • U.S. nationals can get a visa at any land or air border or a Bolivian consulate in the United States for a fee of $160.
  • Israeli nationals can obtain a visa at a Bolivian consular post after entering the country.
  • Entry will be allowed to visa holders for 30 calendar days; however, Israeli and U.S. nationals can request two additional 30-day stays in a one-year period.
  • Individuals born in Bolivia who are now U.S. citizens are exempt from the visa requirement with documented proof of their place of birth.

Background: This requirement is a reversal of a 2019 change that allowed U.S. and Israeli nationals to travel to Bolivia visa-free.

Analysis & Comments: The change will add to the time it takes for U.S. and Israeli nationals to plan travel to Bolivia.

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