Vietnam’s government has announced changes to the Labor Code that impact work permits for foreign nationals. The following changes will be implemented Feb. 15:

  • Foreign experts and specialists who wish to apply for work permits must (1) have at least five years of work experience and a proper practicing certificate which is relevant to the job title applied for in Vietnam or (2) have at least a proper bachelor’s degree and a minimum of three years of work experience in a field that is related to the job they desire in Vietnam.
  • Foreign nationals who enter Vietnam for short work trips lasting less than 30 days and undertake no more than three of these trips each year will not need a work permit to work in Vietnam.

Additional Information: In June 2020, the Vietnamese government created a process for companies and other work organizations to apply for entry approval in order to bring foreign nationals into the country for work purposes.

Analysis & Comments: Employers may wish to consult with Deloitte to discuss how the Labor code changes may impact their business.

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