What is the change? An immigration bill has been submitted to parliament that will officially end free movement with the European Union, paving the way for the new U.K. points-based system in 2021.

What does the change mean? The Immigration and Social Security (EU Withdrawal) Bill would repeal provisions relating to EU free movement that are currently contained in U.K. law while codifying longstanding free movement rights of Irish nationals to visit, work and reside in the U.K. without immigration processing even after the end of the transition period.

  • Implementation time frame: The bill was introduced on March 5 to the House of Commons and would end free movement, ushering in a new immigration system from Jan. 1, 2021.
  • Affected nationals: New EU nationals arriving in the U.K. for the first time from Jan. 1 2021.
  • Business impact: The consequences of these changes are wide-ranging and include everything from new immigration requirements for EU/EEA nationals and their respective family members to navigating how different authorities handle social security provisions. Moreover, compliance measures will be expanded for employers while new restrictions on the level of skills and language requirements will have a significant impact on the workforce strategy of businesses across the U.K.

Background: The bill will formalize the end of free movement following the end of the transition period on Dec. 31, 2020. EU citizens will not be required to have a visa to enter the U.K. for visits lasting up to six months. However, the use of EEA national identity cards for purposes of entering the U.K. will be phased out this year. The Home Office is expected to release details in due course.

Analysis & Comments: The bill is expected to pass parliament shortly and companies should prepare for the new points-based system starting from Jan. 1 that will regulate all non-Irish international workers. Companies are reminded that EEA citizens and their family members who are living in the U.K. by the end of the transition period may apply for permanent residency through the EU Settlement Scheme until June 30, 2021.

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