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What is the change? Thailand now requires all foreign nationals to obtain and submit a medical clearance certificate when submitting a work permit application.
What does the change mean? Under the change, work permit applications must include a medical certificate obtained from/issued by a licensed medical doctor in Thailand no earlier than one month prior to the work permit application filing date. The medical certificate must cite that the applicant is free of the following diseases: leprosy, tuberculosis, drug addiction, alcoholism, elephantiasis (lymphatic filariasis), and syphilis stage III.
Background: Previously, work permit applications filed under the Board of Investment (BOI), the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT), and the Petroleum Act did not require a medical clearance certificate.
Analysis and Comments: The change adds a step to the work permit application process for BOI and IEAT registered-companies, as well as companies that fall under the Petroleum Act, and requires all work permit applications submitted on or after Aug. 19 to be accompanied by a medical certificate.
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