Russia has stopped granting dependent status to family members of foreign nationals coming to the country on standard work permits.

Key Points:

  • Family members of standard work permit holders will no longer be able to obtain dependent visas. Dependent family members will be able to visit Russia for up to 90 days on guest or tourist visas; however, issuance of these visas is significantly limited at this time because of COVID-19.
  • Family members of standard work permit holders who currently have a dependent visa will be permitted to maintain their status, but will not be eligible to apply for renewed status when their visas expire.
  • Family members of Highly Qualified Specialist (HQS) Permit holders will still be permitted to obtain dependent visas.

Analysis & Comments: While the change will restrict the ability of some family members to live and work in Russia, it will have a minimal impact on high-skilled workers because it does not apply to HQS permit holders.

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